Jasa Marga Memberikan Layanan Kesehatan Gratis kepada Warga yang Tinggal di Sekitar Proyek Jalan Tol Yogyakarta-Bawen

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Jumat, 15 Desember 2023 – 00:44 WIB

Yogyakarta – PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk provides Jasa Marga Medical Keliling (Jamedlink) services for the community around the Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road project.

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Jamedlink is a mobile health service using ambulances to reach the community, especially those directly affected by the construction activities of the toll road project. Director of Human Capital & Transformation of Jasa Marga Bagus Cahya stated that in achieving sustainable corporation, Jasa Marga will focus on improving health guarantees and the welfare of the community.

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“With the existence of Jamedlink, we hope that the community can have easy access to health services and in the future can increase awareness and knowledge of the importance of personal health and environmental cleanliness,” said Bagus in a written statement received on Thursday, December 14, 2023.

Bagus also added that the Jamedlink program is a form of Jasa Marga’s commitment in carrying out the TJSL program in accordance with the Sustainable Toll Road Roadmap, namely ‘toll for all’ to create environmentally friendly toll road operations and management and provide added value, one of which is ensuring a healthy life for the community.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT JJB Dwi Winarsa said that the Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road project will pass through 7 villages, namely Tirtoadi, Margomulyo, Margodadi, Margokaton, Sumberejo, Tambakrejo, and Banyurejo. Therefore, he said, the Jamedlink program will be divided into several stages over several weeks in order to reach all villages.

“We plan for Jamedlink to operate for 1 week in one village and move to the next village with the hope that all residents can feel the benefits of this health check,” said Dwi.

In the first phase of implementation, there are 3 villages in Sleman Regency that will be served by Jamedlink during the construction of the Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road, namely Banyurejo Village, Tempel District, Margomulyo Village, Seyegan District and Tirtoadi Village, Mlati District.

Residents will be offered Jamedlink health service facilities including general practitioner consultations, free treatment, blood tests (blood pressure, blood sugar, uric acid, cholesterol), physical check-ups (weight, height), health education, and free distribution of nutrition and medicine.

Not only on the Yogyakarta-Bawen Toll Road, in the near future Jasa Marga will also launch the Jamedlink program on the Solo-Yogyakarta-NYIA Kulonprogo Toll Road and will continue to evaluate the ongoing Jamedlink program.

The launch ceremony for the Jamedlink program was held at the Margomulyo Village Office, Seyegan District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.

Halaman Selanjutnya

“Kami rencanakan Jamedlink akan beroperasi 1 minggu di satu desa dan berpindah ke desa berikutnya dengan harapan semua masyarakat dapat merasakan manfaat dari pemeriksaan kesehatan ini,” kata Dwi