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This text is a tribute to Pak Yogie Suardi Memet, a member of the ’45 generation in Indonesia who played a significant role in the Indonesian Armed Forces. He was described as a disciplined, patriotic, and erudite leader with a strong love for his homeland. Pak Yogie was known for his physical fitness, neat appearance, and commitment to upholding values like respect for parents and religious devotion.

Pak Yogie’s leadership style was characterized by his efforts to instill discipline and eradicate vices within the Red Beret Corps. He set an example by not allowing his wife to sit in the front seat of the official car, highlighting the importance of prioritizing duty and leadership responsibilities.

Despite not being a graduate of a military academy, Pak Yogie’s leadership abilities were evident in his role as the Battalion Commander of 330 Kujang I Siliwangi. He played a key role in capturing Kahar Muzakar in a counterinsurgency operation in South Sulawesi.

Overall, Pak Yogie Suardi Memet’s story serves as a testament to the values and qualities of the ’45 generation in Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of discipline, patriotism, and leadership in the Indonesian Armed Forces.

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