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always interesting to have discussions with him. There were many lessons to be learned. Pak Nas was also very close to his men. He always took the time to get to know his soldiers, their families, their backgrounds. He cared deeply for them. He was a true leader who led by example. I remember one story he told me about his time in guerrilla warfare against the Dutch. He said that he would always eat last, after all his men had eaten, to ensure that they were taken care of first. This kind of selflessness and dedication to his troops is something that stuck with me. I also had the opportunity to visit Pak Nas at his home before he passed away. Even in his old age, he still had that aura of leadership and wisdom about him. It was an honor to be in his presence and to learn from him. Pak Nas will always be remembered as a great leader and a key figure in the history of Indonesia’s independence.

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