Antara TNI dan Polri, Intelijen di Indonesia Masih Abu-abu

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The intelligence in Indonesia between the TNI and the Police (Polri) is still in a gray area

Bandung, IDN Times – The Director of Research at ISI (Indo-Pacific Strategic Intelligence) Aishah Rasyidilla Kusumasomantri, explained that intelligence interests in Indonesia still face significant challenges.

According to her, intelligence agencies in Indonesia such as BIN, BAIS, and Baintelkam Polri often face various challenges related to their respective duties and roles.

She expressed her opinion in a seminar titled “Additional Rules in Espionage: Networks or Power, A Discourse,” held on Tuesday (11/6/2024). The event was organized by the Center for Security and Foreign Affairs at the Indonesian Christian University (CESFAS UKI) in collaboration with the Department of International Relations at the University of Indonesia (UI).

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1. Intelligence is divided into several categories
Aishah outlined the main function of intelligence in providing information to policymakers, the types of intelligence, and the importance of ethics in intelligence operations.

She explained that intelligence is needed to gather, filter, and analyze information that is then used by the government to formulate effective policies.

“Intelligence can be divided into several categories, namely Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Technical Intelligence (SIGINT, GEOINT), and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT),” said Aishah, in a press release received by IDN Times on Tuesday (11/6/2024).

2. Intelligence Challenges: determining clear roles and tasks
According to Aishah, intelligence will always be in a gray area between ethics and interests, which often creates dilemmas for democratic countries that are more concerned about external threats than authoritarian countries that are more worried about internal threats.

Aishah added, “Intelligence in Indonesia still faces challenges in determining clear roles and tasks, especially with the overlapping of roles between the TNI and the Police in the field of civilian intelligence.”

3. Surveillance remains important for Intelligence
In the same event, Major General TNI (Ret.) Tubagus Hasanuddin, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, spoke about his experiences and views on intelligence. He emphasized the importance of technology in intelligence affairs.

“In the past, intelligence operations were carried out with limited resources and inadequate technology, so the situation was often referred to as silent and dangerous,” said Tubagus Hasanudin.

According to him, surveillance activities carried out by intelligence agencies are important to uncover criminal actions that may harm the public. However, he said that surveillance still needs to consider the interests of the state and the principles of intelligence interests.


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